Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Genesis by looking at chapters 27-32.
Questions Covered in This Episode:
Jacob steals the blessing: Is this just a messy story or is there a hero and a villian?
What is the blessing?
Why is Jacob’s dream significant?
So Jacob gets to Laban’s house to find a wife and he falls in love?
Jacob begins to work for Laban and Laban makes him an assurance, what is it?
Two daughters: Why are we given the physical descriptions of the daughters?
Jacob gets deceived by Laban and he ends up marrying both Leah and Rachel. If this story had played out according to Godley principles, how would it have played out? What should have happened when Jacob woke up next to Leah?
But the story gets more complicated: Why?
Jacob continues to flourish in Laban’s house. How does Laban respond to this?
Jacob leaves and on the way out of town Rachel walks away with something that Laban really wanted back. What is going on here?
What is the covenant between Jacob and Laban?
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Genesis 27-32, Matthew 2:16-18, John 1:49-51, Isaiah 12, Genesis 3:16
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