If you've ever felt like everything depends on you (maybe you even feel that way right now), like you're the one holding it all together, then today's message is for you! Here is the good news: everything does not depend on you, you are not the one holding it all together. Jesus is. He made, sustains, and will redeems all things. And this is exactly the reminder our weary souls need. On today's episode, Natalie Abbott takes us to God's Word to help us see the beautiful truth of who Jesus is and why our response to that truth makes all the difference.
This month’s memory verse: "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." — Colossians 1:17
Memorize Scripture with us: Find out more about Dwell’s monthly kit with temporary tattoos or stickers, a display card, a key tag, and more to help you know and dwell on God’s Word.
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