Meet January's Dwell Guest: Ellie Holcomb! Ellie is a singer, songwriter, wife, mama, and lover of God and his Word. We are big fans of her work and we're pumped to start the year with Ellie on the podcast! After you listen today, take a few minutes to check out Ellie's newest book, Fighting Words (linked below). If you're here, we know that you've got some interest in Scripture memory, so we know you'll love this book too!
Here's what we're talking about today!
- A peak into why Ellie wrote Fighting Words
- The good news that suffering doesn't get the final word
- A helpful way to show kids (and remind our own hearts) that light is stronger
Links from today's show:
More about Ellie
Fighting Words Devotional: 100 Days of Speaking Truth into the Darkness
l i g h t // i n // a // m e s s e n g e r ' s // e y e s
b r i n g s // j o y // t o // t h e // h e a r t,
a n d // g o o d // n e w s // g i v e s
h e a l t h // t o // t h e // b o n e s.
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