Kenny King and William Marshall co-pastor Grace Bible Fellowship in Sikeston, Missouri. "Co... WHAT???" you say. You heard it right. They are Co-Pastors. Instead of a Senior Pastor and an Associate Pastor, this church has two equal Co-Pastors. It's a relationship of equality in leadership, preaching, decision making... all of it.
This month's memory verse, Romans 12:10, is foundational to the co-pastor model. It tells us that we should honor and love others above ourselves. Kenny and William live this verse out daily in their roles as Co-Pastors. They talk about what it means to lean on each other and defer to one another all things. They share the Biblical basis for this kind of church model. And, they share the ins and outs of how co-pastoring works, sacrifices they have made, and the value of working together as fellow brothers in their church.
I was truly inspired by how the gospel is being lived out practically in their friendship. And, I'm thankful for their example of deference and love in leadership. I hope you will be too.