Welcome to the very first episode ever of Human Hope!
When I was thinking about who I wanted on the very first episode... It was a no brainer.
Sharon McMahon (@SharonSaysSo) has quickly become one of my favorite human beings on planet earth. She is exactly the human we need to walk us gently through this chaotic political season. Sharon & Carlos discuss why this year has been the year everyone decided to become a "governerd", if she still knows every word to “I’m Just A Bill On Capitol Hill, why we must learn to compromise, and where Sharon is finding hope in and for humanity in 2021...
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Thanks friends.
This is going to be fun...
Check out all Sharon is up to by following her on Instagram - @sharonsaysso
Register for her upcoming government classes at www.sharonmcmahon.com
Follow Carlos @loswhit on Instagram & Twitter and www.carloswhittaker.com