“We don’t have to keep relying on our works or measuring ourselves by our failures. We can measure ourselves and see ourselves as Christ sees us, which is people that he loves, his beloved bride.” — Natalie Abbott
This month’s memory verse: “Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’” — John 6:29
Today’s podcast: Have you ever wrestled with feeling like you need to be “good” to earn God’s favor? Even as Christians who know we are saved not by our works but by Jesus, we can still fall back into thinking our good works are necessary to save us. Join Natalie and Vera today as they talk about the design for this month’s verse, get real as they share their own experiences of realizing they were trying to work to earn God’s favor with their efforts instead of coming to Jesus, and remind us of the beauty of our God who is always ready to bring us back to him as he helps us to believe in the One he has sent.
Memorize Scripture with us: Find out more about Dwell’s monthly kit with temporary tattoos, a display card, a key tag, and more to help you know and dwell on God’s Word.
Get our weekly devotional email: Dive deeper into this month’s verse.
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Links from today's show:
- To go deeper, check out “Are You Asking the Wrong Question?” by Natalie Abbott on the Dwell Differently blog.
- Want some help spending time in the Word with your kids this summer? Check out our fruit of the Spirit summer kit for kids!
- Did you know we have a Facebook group for Dwell Members? Join us as we seek to live out what we are learning each month!