Last week Tracy left us with a cliff hanger question:
"Who are the people that have had the most influence in your life?"
Are they famous authors? People in high leadership positions? Or are they teachers, mentors, friends, family members? In this episode we discuss how important relationships are and the role that they play in discipleship and leadership.
Want to know more about Tracy? Find out more here:
Tracy's website
Instagram: @tracysullivandiscipleship
NEW book!: Small Batch Discipleship
t h e r e f o r e // e n c o u r a g e // o n e
a n o t h e r // a n d // b u i l d // e a c h
o t h e r // u p, // j u s t // a s // i n
f a c t // y o u // a r e // d o i n g.
1 Thessalonians 5:11