On today’s episode of the Journeywomen Podcast, we are talking with Dori Willeman about what it’s like to be the mentor in another woman’s life. Dori lives in New Hampshire with her husband Don, the pastor of Christ Redeemer Church. They are very proud of their four adult children. As a pastor's wife for the past 20 years, she has served in many capacities but is most passionate about discipling women. In addition to serving the local church, she serves as a Ministry Fellow for a Christian Campus Ministry discipling Dartmouth College students.
Daily Disciple-Making Course by Amy Gannett
• Who is someone who has cheered on the work of the gospel in your life
• What does it look like to cheer on the work of the gospel in someone else’s life?
• Who have you known the Lord to be and how has he been good and faithful in your life?
• What is the goal of discipleship?
• As a disciple of Christ, how you can further engage in your local community to walk in obedience to the call to “go and make disciples?”
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