"If Jesus is our spiritual food, are we looking to Jesus to give us the food that perishes, or are we looking to Jesus for eternal, spiritual satisfaction? Are we looking for him to meet only our earthly needs and earthly comforts, or do we have eyes to see, spiritual eyes to understand our spiritual needs and to find them met in Jesus?” — Natalie Abbott
This month’s memory verse: “Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’” — John 6:29
Today’s podcast: What is the message of the Gospel of John? Are we like the crowds following Jesus who were looking to him for the wrong reasons? Join Natalie Abbott today as she walks through the context of our verse for this month, John 6:29. Find out why the original hearers had a hard time wrapping their minds around this concept, how we can evaluate our own thinking about the work of God, and be encouraged as we clearly look at the point that John is making and the question we all need to answer.
Memorize Scripture with us: Find out more about Dwell’s monthly kit with temporary tattoos, a display card, a key tag, and more to help you know and dwell on God’s Word.
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